
쿠버네티스 - exr12 - Multiple Schedulers

kubernetes exr12 Multiple Schedulers # What is the name of the POD that deploys the default kubernetes scheduler in this environment? k get pods -n kube-system kube-scheduler-controlplane # Wh...

쿠버네티스 - exr11 - Static pods

kubernetes exr11 Static pods # How many static pods exist in this cluster in all namespaces? kubectl get pod --all-namespaces NAMESPACE NAME READY STATUS ...

쿠버네티스 - exr10 - DAEMONSETS

kubernetes exr10 DAEMONSETS # How many DaemonSets are created in the cluster in all namespaces? # Check all namespaces kubectl get daemonsets -A kubectl get daemonsets --all-namespaces # Which...

쿠버네티스 - exr9 - RESOURCE LIMITS

kubernetes exr9 RESOURCE LIMITS # A pod called rabbit is deployed. Identify the CPU requirements set on the Pod # in the current(default) namespace k describe pod rabbit Limits: cpu: 2 Reques...

쿠버네티스 - exr8 - NODE AFFINITY

kubernetes exr8 NODE AFFINITY # How many Labels exist on node node01? kubectl describe node node01 Name: node01 Roles: <none> Labels: beta.kubernetes...


kubernetes exr7 TAINTS AND TOLERATIONS # How many nodes exist on the system? # Including the controlplane node. kubectl get node # Do any taints exist on node01 node? kubectl describe node nod...


kubernetes exr6 LABELS AND SELECTORS # We have deployed a number of PODs. They are labelled with tier, env and bu. How many PODs exist in the dev environment (env)? # Use selectors to filter the o...

쿠버네티스 - exr5 - MANUAL SCHEDULING

kubernetes exr5 MANUAL SCHEDULING # A pod definition file nginx.yaml is given. Create a pod using the file. # Only create the POD for now. We will inspect its status next. kubectl create -f nginx...

쿠버네티스 - exr4 - Namespaces

kubernetes exr4 Namespaces # How many Namespaces exist on the system? k get ns NAME STATUS AGE default Active 3m38s kube-system Active 3m38s kube-public ...

쿠버네티스 - exr3 - Deployments

kubernetes exr3 Deployments # default namespace # How many Deployments exist on the system? # In the current(default) namespace. k get pods k get rs k get ns NAME STATUS AGE defa...