

About 微塵切り 공부를 하며 기록하고 싶은 것을 기록 글 하나당 적절히 읽기 가능한 양을 기록 보조 기억장치로 활용 가능한 글을 기록 나와 같은 초심자도 헷갈리지 않을 글을 기록 Intro 하고싶은 것이 많은 사람에서 할 수 있는 것이 많은 사람이 되려 노력 중 Who ? 중국에서 1년, 일본에서 5년 고등학교 시절은...


kubernetes exr21 VIEW CERTIFICATE DETAILS # Identify the certificate file used for the kube-api server # kind: Pod # name: kube-apiserver cat /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-apiserver.yaml # look...

쿠버네티스 - exr20 - INIT CONTAINERS

kubernetes exr20 INIT CONTAINERS # Identify the pod that has an initContainer configured. kubectl describe pod # blue에 Init Containers 정의가 있다 Name: blue Namespace: default Priority: ...

쿠버네티스 - exr19 - MULTI CONTAINER PODS

kubernetes exr19 MULTI CONTAINER PODS # Identify the number of containers created in the red pod. k describe pod red Name: red Namespace: default Priority: 0 Node: controlp...

쿠버네티스 - exr18 - SECRETS

kubernetes exr18 SECRETS # How many Secrets exist on the system? # in the current(default) namespace k get secrets NAME TYPE DATA AGE default-...

쿠버네티스 - exr17 - ENV VARIABLES

kubernetes exr17 ENV VARIABLES # How many PODs exist on the system? # in the current(default) namespace k get pods # What is the environment variable name set on the container in the pod? k de...

쿠버네티스 - exr16 - Commands and Arguments

kubernetes exr16 Commands and Arguments # How many PODs exist on the system? # in the current(default) namespace k get pods NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE ubuntu-sleeper 1/1...

쿠버네티스 - exr15 - Rolling Updates and Rollbacks

kubernetes exr15 Rolling Updates and Rollbacks # We have deployed a simple web application. Inspect the PODs and the Services # Wait for the application to fully deploy and view the application us...

쿠버네티스 - exr14 - Managing Application Logs

kubernetes exr14 Managing Application Logs # We have deployed a POD hosting an application. Inspect it. Wait for it to start. k get pods NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE webapp-1 1/...

쿠버네티스 - exr13 - Monitor Cluster Components

kubernetes exr13 Monitor Cluster Components # We have deployed a few PODs running workloads. Inspect them. # Wait for the pods to be ready before proceeding to the next question. # STATUS 확인 kube...